We’re in England, in the village of Turville. It’s 1871. Here, on one street, you can find a particular house. It’s no different from the others, but many people stay around it and wait for something. The house’s doors open. Several adults come out of there. They look surprised and say that all the rumors turned out to be true.
The woman goes out on the porch and asks a few more people to come in. And you’re among them. You go inside, head into the room, and see an 11-year-old girl sleeping on the bed.
02 avr Le 2 avril 2020 De 10h30 à 12h00 Réunion téléphonique
Inscription fermée La préparation et le vote du budget d’une commune ou d’une intercommunalité s’inscrivent dans un calendrier précis et respectent des principes bien définis. Quelle que soit la diversité des situations et des objectifs, la procédure budgétaire s’apprécie dans son ensemble : rédaction du rapport d’orientation budgétaire, tenue du DOB, vote du budget primitif, règles comptables.
February 27, 2019 12:00 PM EST
Yes, winter is cold for most of us mere human mortals. But a Canadian couple has had it with people concerned about their dog’s welfare just because of the temperature. The husky mix, Riley, has often been spotted outside in their yard in Charlottetown, leading to complaints to the local Humane Society — all of which, they insist, is a big misunderstanding about the breed and the way they care for their three-year-old pup.
IT TOOK HALF A DECADE and some very lean seasons for most designers to figure out what women were looking for in the ’90s. But one, Miuccia Prada, knew the answer all along: wearable clothes with a touch of class. Prada is a cult that is about to become a movement. The popular thing to say about the Prada style is that it looks like nothing–but that is meant as a compliment.
Avec 120.000 installations connues en 2020, les installations classées pour la protection de l’environnement (ICPE) au titre des activités agricoles représentent plus de 20% des installations classées en France. Situées pour la plupart en Bretagne et dans le nord de la France et associées principalement à une activité d’élevage (bovins, porcins et volailles), elles entrent dans cette classification car elles sont susceptibles de "créer des risques ou de provoquer des pollutions ou nuisances, notamment pour la sécurité et la santé des riverains"
Reasonably adequate movies are made from mediocre books or stories all the time. But once in a while, you get an adaptation so misguided that it makes even its not-so-nuanced source material look like a masterpiece. Susanna Fogel’s Cat Person—based on Kristen Roupenian’s 2017 hot-button New Yorker short story, and making its Sundance Film Festival premiere—takes everything that was admirable, or even just compelling, about Roupenian’s story and spins it into a scrambled, overloaded mess.
Publié le 5 novembre 2015 Cohésion des territoires, Développement économique Au carrefour des grandes transitions en cours dans le pays - énergétique, numérique, démographique ou encore institutionnelle avec la réforme territoriale -, la Scet (Services conseil expertises territoires) a présenté, mardi 3 novembre, son nouveau plan de développement au service des collectivités. Une façon de marquer les soixante ans de cette filiale de la Caisse des Dépôts, aujourd'hui à la tête d'un réseau de 300 entreprises publiques locales (EPL) et bailleurs répartis sur l'ensemble du territoire.
Leaked documents reveal McDonald's is expanding its breakfast menu for the first time in years with
McDonald's new breakfast menu items are tripling down on meat. The fast-food chain is adding three "Triple Breakfast Stacks" to the menu, according to internal documents shared with Business Insider. The sandwiches are essentially revamped versions of the biscuit, McMuffin, and McGriddle, with three times as much meat as the typical breakfast sandwich. Each will contain two sausage patties in addition to bacon. ADVERTISEMENT
McDonald's Triple Breakfast Stacks will hit menus in November and set to be available for a limited time.
SPOILER ALERT: These interviews contain spoilers from the Season 6 “Black Mirror” episodes “Joan Is Awful,” “Mazey Day” and “Beyond the Sea,” now streaming on Netflix.
Back after a four-year hiatus, the long-awaited sixth season of “Black Mirror” opens — fittingly — with “Joan is Awful,” an exploration of the dubious inner workings of a fictional streaming service called Streamberry.